Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter Picos!

Happy Easter everyone!! Omg I <3 Easter! My mom and dad planned on getting me chocolate bunnies and eggs with tattoos inside! I even got the cutest chocolate bunny in a little cage! HAPPY EASTER!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lemonade Mouth-Somebody Official Music Video

Lemonade Mouth is my favorite Disney Channel movie :) and if I were gonna pick a song
from them, I'd pick "Somebody". Enjoy!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

New Bunny Area!

Yay Easter is finally coming and there's a new Easter Area! If you play the Black Gacha and get all the items, you will receive a Special Black Bunny Suit! If you play the Pink Gacha, you will receive a Special Pink Bunny

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Overboard of friends?

  • Most people can only have 1-100 buddies. But this girl named "Chocolate Pico", apparently has 399 buddies! Is this a glitch? Or possibly a cheat?
  • Is it because she keeps sending requests?
Is it because OTHERS send requests?
The world may never know..

Saturday, March 26, 2011

~Mel Molly contributes to Pico Lovely~

Hello! Yes. Its me. Mel Molly =D. I enjoy writing on BabySpade's blogs. If you go a few posts back, you'll even see that Spades made a profile about me. I hope I will be a big contribution to this new blog, Pico Lovely! I also wish to make a new blog for Pico. I'll update you on that later. I hope a whole bunch of people read this blog, because it really deserves it. Also, I will continue the series ~Mel Molly Explores The Unforgotten~ on this blog. I started it on Spades. Till next time!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy Birthday BabySpade!!

Today is finally my birthday! (Happy Birthday to Vegemite who also has the same b-day) I received some presents from my mom. For those of you who is reading this and have the same birthday.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!